Sensu Go Topic Template
Description of your problem
I am trying to build a local mirror of the sensu repository for our systems without Internet access.
After generating an RPM yum repo file from the script for Rocky 9, I have:
However, I cannot access any repodata or packages at that URL from my Internet connected laptop. I get an empty page with HTTP status 200.
Description of steps you’ve taken to attempt to solve the issue
While I can see the packages at
there is no repodata there.
Attempts to download from the URL give zero bytes:
Saving 'x86_64'
HTTP response 200 [BASEURL_ABOVE]
x86_64 0% [ <=> ] 0 B/s
[Files: 1 Bytes: 0 [0 B/s] Redirects: 0 Todo: 0 Errors: 0 ]
Environmental information
Operating system information
Rocky 9
Package versions
Need access to the repository before anything is installed.