When I run this:
include_recipe ‘sensu::default’
I get:
Cannot find a resource for sensu_base_config on ubuntu version 12.04
Cookbook Trace:
/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/sensu/recipes/default.rb:77:in `from_file’
/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/my_sensu/recipes/client.rb:8:in `from_file’
Relevant File Content:
70: else
71: if node.sensu.rabbitmq.port == 5671
72: Chef::Log.warn(“Setting Sensu RabbitMQ port to 5672 as you have disabled SSL.”)
73: node.override.sensu.rabbitmq.port = 5672
74: end
75: end
77>> sensu_base_config node.name
I do not get any error for Ubuntu 13.04. Why sensu_base_config is not found when running Ubuntu 12.04?
Nevermind, I forgot to include the dependency in metadata.rb
On Monday, 30 December 2013 11:12:35 UTC, Riccardo Tacconi wrote:
When I run this:
include_recipe ‘sensu::default’
I get:
Cannot find a resource for sensu_base_config on ubuntu version 12.04
Cookbook Trace:
/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/sensu/recipes/default.rb:77:in `from_file’
/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/my_sensu/recipes/client.rb:8:in `from_file’
Relevant File Content:
70: else
71: if node.sensu.rabbitmq.port == 5671
72: Chef::Log.warn(“Setting Sensu RabbitMQ port to 5672 as you have disabled SSL.”)
73: node.override.sensu.rabbitmq.port = 5672
74: end
75: end
77>> sensu_base_config node.name
I do not get any error for Ubuntu 13.04. Why sensu_base_config is not found when running Ubuntu 12.04?