Dependency filters

How are the check dependencies filter or filter-when feature of Sensu Core implemented in Sensu Go? If they aren’t yet available, are the planned and will they be part of SMB/enterprise?

If not available, is this perhaps something that could be duplicated by a filter that looked at label values within a handler filter?


Hi @KendallChenoweth,

Check dependencies are not implemented in Sensu Go yet, we have a feature request here: I’ll check-in with the team to make sure we have this one prioritized.

Regarding the filter-when functionality, it wasn’t re-implemented as is, because you can now do the something like this:


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Cool. Can you tell me if the sensu Go dependency will perform chain dependencies, e.g.

“handlers”: {
“custom_mailer”: {
“type”: “pipe”,
“command”: “custom_mailer.rb”,
“filters”: [“check_dependencies”]

“checks”: {
“web_application_api”: {
“command”: “check-http.rb -u https://localhost:8080/api/v1/health”,
“subscribers”: [“web_application”],
“interval”: 20,
“dependencies”: [“mysql”]

“checks”: {
“web_application_api”: {
“command”: “check-http.rb -u https://localhost:8080/api/v1/health”,
“subscribers”: [“web_application”],
“interval”: 20,
“dependencies”: [“db-01/mysql”,“somethingElse”]

“checks”: {
“web_application_api”: {
“command”: “check-http.rb -u https://localhost:8080/api/v1/health”,
“subscribers”: [“web_application”],
“interval”: 20,
“dependencies”: [“app-01/somethingElse”]