Do we have an option to load checks/asset/handler definitions from YAML/JSON in sensu puppet

Do we have an option to load checks/asset/handler definitions from YAML/JSON in sensu puppet ?

For example: The way the implementation is done in Sensu puppet for a check is as below:

sensu_check { ‘check_cpu’:
ensure => ‘present’,
labels => {
‘contacts’ => ‘dev, ops’,
command => ‘check-cpu.rb -w 75 -c 90’,
handlers => [‘email’],
interval => 30,
publish => true,
subscriptions => [‘linux’],
runtime_assets => [‘sensu-plugins-cpu-checks’,‘sensu-ruby-runtime’],

However, when we have all the checks/handlers converted from sensu-core to sensugo format using the translator plugin, I should be able to register them as above, but from the YAML/JSON files that got generated.

Is it something that can be done in puppet to load the definitions alone from YAML/JSON and rest use the code from puppet.