Email Handler Inquiry

Hi Experts,

Seeking your opinion once again.

Is it possible to use two (2) email templates (both subject and body) for critical events, one for the first occurrence of critical event, if not resolved in a given time, another one will be used for the succeeding critical events. If so, how can this be achieved in the configurations? and if not, could there be a workaround for this?

Email 1 Title:
CRITICAL EVENT stale-transmission


Email 1 Body:
Hi there,

Sensu has detected a Critical event stale-transmission. Please note the following details:

Client: OTM

Check: stale-transmission


Succeeding Emails Title:
Followup on CRITICAL EVENT stale-transmission



Succeeding Emails Body:
Hi there,

This is a followup message on Critical event stale-transmission.Please assess the following details and fix accordingly.

Client: OTM

Check: stale-transmissio


Thanks in advanced!
