Hi, I cloned GitHub - betorvs/sensu-go-statefulset: Helm chart to deploy sensu-go Backend using statefulset in kubernetes (as-is) and successfully deployed Sensu Go v5.21.3 on a Ubuntu 20.04.01 system under MicroK8s.
When I modify the values.yaml file to use Sensu Go v6.0.0 or v6.2.0 I receive the following error:
== waiting for sensu-backend-sensu-go-statefulset-0:2379 to become available before running backend-init...
{"component":"sensu-enterprise","error":"error starting etcd: multiple discovery or bootstrap flags are set. Choose one of \"initial-cluster\", \"discovery\" or \"discovery-srv\"","level":"fatal","msg":"error executing sensu-backend","time":"2021-01-04T22:56:34Z"}
The problem appears to be raised with the following command:
sensu-backend start --etcd-name ${HOST_NAME}.sensu.sensu.svc.cluster.local \
--etcd-discovery-srv sensu.sensu.svc.cluster.local \
--etcd-initial-advertise-peer-urls http://${HOST_NAME}.sensu.sensu.svc.cluster.local:2380 \
--etcd-initial-cluster-token sensu --etcd-initial-cluster-state new \
--etcd-advertise-client-urls http://${HOST_NAME}.sensu.sensu.svc.cluster.local:2379 \
--etcd-listen-client-urls --etcd-listen-peer-urls \
--state-dir /var/lib/sensu/sensu-backend/${HOST_NAME} --log-level debug --debug \
--api-url http://sensu-api.example.local:8080
Reading through migration notes from 5.21.3 to 6.0.0 I did find anything that would change the above command.
I did find a similar problem for etcd: Multiple discovery flags error with valid config file · Issue #7516 · etcd-io/etcd · GitHub
Per the “hack fix” I tried inserting a blank --etcd-initial-cluster, also tried setting using the environment variable, but no luck.
Is there something I am missing in the above command for the migration?