I need to monitor single process memory consumption of many processes in the same server. I’ve already configured this check for one process (tomcat_1). This is the check configured on Sensu server (1.6):
I need to add other checks of the same type (memory_pp) on the same server for other processes. Is there a way to avoid check duplication on server side (memory_metrics_per_process => memory_metrics_per_process_1, memory_metrics_per_process_2, memory_metrics_per_process_3, …) and configure only the client to repeat the same check with different processes?
You can use CM to make it easier but they each needs to have their own definition typically. It is possible to write a check that accepts a comma separated list of processes and schemes.
You can replicate my current solution, that will save metrics on an influxdb. For example, let’s say you want to monitor a process with the string “tomcat” in the running command:
install sensu plugin “process checks” on the server where you want to monitor the process:
configure the generic memory ckeck command on Sensu server: