Influxdb Handler Issue

I have set up influxdb metrics output handlers using the assets and commands provided in the docs. I replaced all the variables with all my stuff and have the influx database set up with the correct name. I have the sensu-backend and two agents running in docker containers and they are running the latest version of sensu. The issue I am having is that when the checks are run, and being piped to influx, instead of the output being a connection error or success, it returns the whole usage information for the sensu-influxdb-handler command from the sensu/sensu-influxdb-handler asset. I don’t know why its doing this. Here is how I set up the handler:

sensuctl handler create influx-db \
--type pipe \
--command "sensu-influxdb-handler -d sensu" \
--env-vars INFLUXDB_ADDR=,INFLUXDB_USER=something,INFLUXDB_PASS=something \
--runtime-assets sensu/sensu-influxdb-handler

And here is what I found in the logs, I included the check that is run, start of the check being piped to influx and the output, which has two errors, the usage information and connection refused issue:

{"check":"check-metrics-cpu","component":"eventd","entity":"pmgdevmbp","event_uuid":"7ad3044a-e334-4ac1-8c65-36f14e9d1f09","level":"info","metrics":true,"msg":"eventd received event","time":"2020-07-27T03:26:52Z"}

{"check_name":"check-metrics-cpu","check_namespace":"default","component":"pipelined","entity_name":"pmgdevmbp","entity_namespace":"default","handler":"influx-db","level":"info","metric_count":0,"msg":"sending event to handler","time":"2020-07-27T03:26:52Z","uuid":"7ad3044a-e334-4ac1-8c65-36f14e9d1f09"}

{"asset":"sensu/sensu-influxdb-handler","component":"asset-manager","entity":"0bee7ac97808","level":"info","msg":"asset includes builds, using builds instead of asset","time":"2020-07-27T03:26:52Z"}

{"assets":["sensu/sensu-influxdb-handler"],"check":"check-metrics-cpu","component":"pipelined","entity":"pmgdevmbp","event_uuid":"7ad3044a-e334-4ac1-8c65-36f14e9d1f09","handler":"influx-db","level":"info","msg":"event pipe handler executed","namespace":"default",
"output":"Usage:\n  sensu-influxdb-handler [flags]\n  sensu-influxdb-handler [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n  help        Help about any command\n  version     Print the version number of this plugin\n\nFlags:
\n  -a, --addr string            the address of the influxdb server, should be of the form 'http://host:port', defaults to 'http://localhost:8086' or value of INFLUXDB_ADDR env variable (default \"http://localhost:8086\")
\n  -c, --check-status-metric    if true, the check status result will be captured as a metric\n  -d, --db-name string         the influxdb to send metrics to\n  
-h, --help                 help for sensu-influxdb-handler\n  -i, --insecure-skip-verify   if true, the influx client skips https certificate verification\n  -p, --password string        
the password for the given db, defaults to value of INFLUXDB_PASS env variable\n      --precision string       the precision value of the metric (default \"s\")\n  -u, --username string        
the username for the given db, defaults to value of INFLUXDB_USER env variable\n\nUse \"sensu-influxdb-handler [command] --help\" for more information about a command.\n
\nError executing sensu-influxdb-handler: error executing handler: Post http://localhost:8086/write?consistency=\u0026db=sensu\u0026precision=s\u0026rp=: dial tcp connect: connection refused\n","status":1,"time":"2020-07-27T03:26:52Z"}

I think the handler needs to be updated to support the new authentication requirements (tokens) of InfluxDB 2.0.

1.8 uses port 8086
2.0 uses port 9999

I would prefer to simplify things and use Sensu to send metrics to InfluxDB 2.0, but ended up going with Telegraf for now since it’s been updated and works. Hopefully someone will update it (or tell me how to use it properly :).


Hi @Will_Hughes,

I have the sensu-backend and two agents running in docker containers

Am I correct in reading that as you have the backend running as a docker container as well? If so, then the message at the end of your log snippet:

Error executing sensu-influxdb-handler: error executing handler: Post http://localhost:8086/write?consistency=\u0026db=sensu\u0026precision=s\u0026rp=: dial tcp connect: connection refused 

Would lead me to believe that you’re trying to send handled events to Influx running in the same container as your backend, which isn’t going to work. You’re going to have to make an adjustment to the URL for Influx in the handler definition.

You might look at the compose file we have in our sandbox to see how we’ve got things set up.