We’d like to push Alerts from SPM (monitoring, alerting, anomaly detection) and Logsene (log management) to Sensu. Are there Java libraries that we could use for that?
Also, after a 140-char exchange with Sean - https://twitter.com/otisg/status/515521535571161089 - it looks like the only way to push an Alert into Sensu is by talking to one of its clients?
Monitoring * Alerting * Anomaly Detection * Centralized Log Management
Solr & Elasticsearch Support * http://sematext.com/
You can run the ‘client’ component on your ‘sensu-server’. Thus it can be your connection point to pass data in and the client daemon will process the event data.
On Monday, September 29, 2014 7:36:32 AM UTC-7, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
We’d like to push Alerts from SPM (monitoring, alerting, anomaly detection) and Logsene (log management) to Sensu. Are there Java libraries that we could use for that?
Also, after a 140-char exchange with Sean - https://twitter.com/otisg/status/515521535571161089 - it looks like the only way to push an Alert into Sensu is by talking to one of its clients?
Monitoring * Alerting * Anomaly Detection * Centralized Log Management
Solr & Elasticsearch Support * http://sematext.com/