I can’t seem to figure out how to push sensu go check results into influxdb. I’m not referring to metrics collection (which works fine for me), but a basic service check that returns OK, WARNING, CRITICAL results. I want to keep long term data for certain checks in influxdb and all the examples and documentation I find seems to refer only to metrics collection. I’ve tried mixing some of the example metrics collection config parameters into regular checks without joy. I’m sure it’s easy and I am doing something silly, but can anyone provide a basic service check example that push result to influxdb?
I think the best way forward for you is to add a mutator into your event pipeline and mutator the event definition and convert the check status into a metric of your choice. You should be able to do this with jq in a bash script for now, I’m going to work on a more general golang mutator asset that should work in the more general case and get back to you.
@todd@jspaleta thank you both for your help. I have confirmed the latest version of InfluxDB handler 3.2.0 (which for some reason hasn’t been pushed to Bonsai) does indeed help me push check status into influxdb by utilizing the newly added parameter “–check-status-metric”.
The next release will include support for annotation events, a 1.x feature parity. Is this similar to what you are requesting? If not, I would encourage you to submit this is an issue.
It’s a per-dashboard configuration, so go to the dashboard you wish to add annotations to and click on the gear icon. In the left navigation column you should see Annotations. It’s directly under General in my instance. And then click on New. Here’s what the definition for mine looks like.