Sensu Redis authentication issue

I am trying to get Sensu work with Sentinel clustered Redis instance, but sensu cannot seems to be able to authenticate to Redis. Enabling auth is a prerequisite for setting up Sentinel.

I have tried Sensu with Standalone Redis with AUTH as well as with Sentinel

Tried both the following configurations, both configuration fails with same errors


“redis”: {

“host”: “10.xx.xx.xx”,

“port”: 6379,

“password”: “abcd123”,

“reconnect_on_error”: true





“redis”: {

“reconnect_on_error”: true,

“password”: “abcd123”,

“sentinels”: [


“host”: “10.xx.xx.xx”,

“port”: 26379



“host”: “10.xx.xx.xx”,

“port”: 26379





Both the above configuration are failing with


{“timestamp”:“2016-04-19T16:12:48.553912+0530”,“level”:“error”,“message”:“redis connection error”,“error”:“redis returned error code: NOAUTH Authentication required.”}

I have checked Redis as well, authentication works fine with redis-cli, doesn’t seems to be the issue.

Any pointers?