I run Sensu Core. I want to save the expense and NOT own Sensu Enterprise.
So far, this has worked out nicely saving thousands and thousands of dollars.
Thus far, I don’t see an obvious way to do the following
if a production page, send it via both the email handler and pager handler
if a non-production page, send it via email only
The /etc/sensu/conf.d/*.json’s aren’t subdivided generally across dev, qa, uat, stage, production, and infrastructure.
I want something simple so that I don’t have to special-case configure everything and design it all into the build and deploy
and configuration management.
Have anyone who has set something up like that be willing to share?
I don’t want to have to do things like lay out allhosts:/etc/sensu/conf.d/client.json
changing that file with a restart of the sensu-client nor setup all individual *.json’s on the sensu server
modifying them.
This should be controllable from the Sensu server or its clients based on schedules relating to what kind of system hostname
it is (prod is prod, qa is qa, etc.) rather some huge, massive bandaid.