Unable to start sensu-agent in sandbox

I am trying to go through the sensu go sandbox tutorial (Learn Sensu Go - Sensu Docs) and I am unable to start the sensu-agent to begin monitoring the sandbox.

After running the command:
sudo systemctl start sensu-agent
my entity list is blank and not showing anything.


It sounds like the sensu-agent service did not start up correctly in that virtual machine.
Looks like its a bug in the sandbox provisioning, agent service need to have agent.yml file in /etc/sensu/ in recent versions before the service will run.

Here’s a quick fix that should get you up and running.
Inside the vagrant box run:

sudo cp /usr/share/doc/sensu-go-agent-$(rpm -q --qf "%{VERSION}" sensu-go-agent)/agent.yml.example /etc/sensu/agent.yml

This will copy over the example agent configuration that comes with the package and place it into the correct location.

Once you confirm that /etc/sensu/agent.yml is in place, the service should start.

But since you are here, if you just want to learn Sensu concepts, we have a new docker-compose based training environment. We’ll be transitioning our self-guided learning resource to use this environment and moving away from the heavier virtual machine sandbox approach.


I just merged a change in the sandbox that should fix this issue.

thanks for the awesome information.

thanks my issue has been fixed.