We are looking for sensu_0.25.5-1.deb for Ubuntu 1804 with Ruby version 2.5.7p206

The overall issue is with the current version of Ruby (ruby 2.3.0p0) bundled in our Sensu version our Handlers are not working (most importantly PagerDuty)

  1. We have tried to manually change the ruby version once we install the Sensu package. We have tried to compile the sensu package from source but had issues with build tools.

  2. We are running Sensu version 0.25 on Ubuntu 1804. We are running ElasticCache redis, rabbitmq all on EC2 on AWS. We have 4 production environments each with their own Sensu infrastructure.

  3. If you could provide a link to the package sensu_0.25.5-1 with the Ruby version 2.5.7p206, we think this would fix our issue and give us some time to upgrade to Sensu Go.