what should be the servicenow host name

I have got his servicenow handler check from sensu website


“servicenow”: {

"host": “dev42.service-now.com”,

“user”: “admin”,

“password”: “secret”,

"create_cmdb_ci": true,

"incident_table": “incident”,

"cmdb_ci_table": “cmdb_ci_server”,

“timeout”: 10



can some explain me these highlighted items

I would like to know what the host mean in this check

"host": “dev42.service-now.com”,

"create_cmdb_ci": true,

"incident_table": “incident”,

"cmdb_ci_table": “cmdb_ci_server”,

I need some more explination about these highlighted items

Hi there Imran. The documentation for the ServiceNow integration on the Sensu website only works with Sensu Enterprise. If you are a Sensu Enterprise user, our support team will be more than happy to help you set this up. Please visit https://helpdesk.sensuapp.com or email helpdesk@sensuapp.com for assistance.


On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 5:56:11 AM UTC-7, IMRAN SHAIK wrote:

I have got his servicenow handler check from sensu website


“servicenow”: {

“host”: “dev42.service-now.com”,

“user”: “admin”,

“password”: “secret”,

“create_cmdb_ci”: true,

“incident_table”: “incident”,

“cmdb_ci_table”: “cmdb_ci_server”,

“timeout”: 10



can some explain me these highlighted items

I would like to know what the host mean in this check

“host”: “dev42.service-now.com”,

“create_cmdb_ci”: true,

“incident_table”: “incident”,

“cmdb_ci_table”: “cmdb_ci_server”,

I need some more explination about these highlighted items