alert filtering based on timezone


I’m trying to configure sensu handler through puppet which handles the alert only within business hours, like this

sensu handler for out of business hours

sensu::handler { ‘victorops_out’:
source => ‘puppet:///modules/server/sensu/handler-victorops.rb’,
command => ‘/etc/sensu/handlers/handler-victorops.rb’,
filters => [ ‘business_hours_only’ ],
severities => [ ‘critical’ ],
config => {
“api_url” => ‘’,
“routing_key” => ‘ops’

sensu filter for ‘victorops_out’ handler

sensu::filter { ‘business_hours_only’ :
ensure => “present”,
negate => false,
attributes => {
“check” => {
“interval” => 60
when => {
“days” => {
“all” => [
“begin” => “5:00 PM”,
“end” => “8:00 AM”

Problem here is, I’ve two node of different timezone one is AEST and other one is IST. So how can I filter out the notification time for each node ? Is there any way in sensu for accomplishing this ?

Your servers should probably be set to UTC timezone to avoid this problem. Also filters are only evaluated on the sensu servers so having multiple sensu-client’s across different timezones should not be something you need to be concerned with. If you have two distinct sensu setups each one should have a filter to ensure that the appropriate team is alerted for their support hours I don’t think you really need two different filters on both setups.

To answer your question though its not possible with the when filter however it is possible using a custom filter leveraging the eval functionality:

  "filters": {
    "ten_to_ten_eastern": {
      "negate": false, # default: false
      "attributes": {
        "timestamp": "eval: ENV['TZ'] = 'America/New_York'; [1,2,3,4,5].include?( &&,22)"

Shameless advertising: I wrote a post that discusses filters:

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