Configured sensu go ldap to talk to Active Directory with a bind user and password
Successful in making a connection and authenticate a user with AD credentials
Tell us about your setup, this should include OS, version of Sensu, version of Sensu components (redis, rabbitmq), plugin versions (if applicable), anything special about your setup such as an airgapped network or strict ACLs
Sensu go 5.2
RHEL 6.x / 7.x
LDAP: Active Directory
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is there a possiblity to provide anonymous user to bind to the LDAP, as there are cases where we have regional AD instances and we dont want to manage a bind user and use SSL and interact with AD using a anonymous bind when the cert and root ca matches
Hi Suresh, thanks for letting us know about your needs around anonymous binding and TLS/SSL mutual authentication.
I’ve opened enhancement requests for these items with our team and will be happy to provide you updates through our commercial support channels as we work toward implementing them.
@sureshs We released Sensu Go 5.6 today, adding mutual TLS authentication and anonymous bind capabilities to our LDAP and ActiveDirectory integrations. Please see our release notes and our updated authentication documentation for further details!