Hello, I followed all the links to try to get SENSU GO working with AD but Cant seem to get it to work.
My authentication provider is as following:
“type”: “ad”,
“api_version”: “authentication/v2”,
“spec”: {
“servers”: [
“host”: “ad.company.org”,
“binding”: {
“user_dn”: “cn=binder,cn=users,dc=company,dc=org”,
“password”: “YOUR_PASSWORD”
“group_search”: {
“base_dn”: “cn=admins, dc=company, dc=org”,
“attribute”: “member”,
“name_attribute”: “cn”,
“object_class”: “memberOf”
“user_search”: {
“base_dn”: “dc=company,dc=org”,
“attribute”: “sAMAccountName”,
“name_attribute”: “displayName”,
“object_class”: “person”
“groups_prefix”: “ad”,
“metadata”: {
“name”: “ad”
I am then able to authenticate but have zero access to any namespaces. I currently have 5 namespaces that I set up with the default admin user.
I set up the cluster role with the following configuration:
“type”: “ClusterRole”,
“api_version”: “core/v2”,
“metadata”: {
“name”: “default-admin”
“spec”: {
“rules”: [
“resource_names”: ,
“resources”: [
“assets”, “checks”, “entities”, “events”, “filters”, “handlers”,
“hooks”, “mutators”, “rolebindings”, “roles”, “silenced”,
“cluster”, “clusterrolebindings”, “clusterroles”,
“namespaces”, “users”, “authproviders”, “license”
“verbs”: [“get”, “list”, “create”, “update”, “delete”]
and my cluster role binding with the following configs:
“type”: “ClusterRoleBinding”,
“api_version”: “core/v2”,
“metadata”: {
“name”: “default-admin”
“spec”: {
“role_ref”: {
“name”: “default-admin”,
“type”: “ClusterRole”
“subjects”: [
“name”: “admins”,
“type”: “ad:admins”
Please help!! I have been trying for a few days and unable to get anywhere. I get authenticated and dont see unauthorized messages in the logs however i still zeros everywhere with no namespaces.