# sensuctl
Error: Unable to locate credentials. You can either configure credentials by running “sensuctl configure” or by using the --api-key command line option
I did a fresh install on centos7 just to see if I can reproduce your issue:
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/sensu/stable/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
yum install -y sensu-go-backend sensu-go-agent sensu-go-cli
curl -L https://docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/files/backend.yml -o /etc/sensu/backend.yml
service sensu-backend start
sensu-backend init
systemctl stop firewalld # to be able to connect to the VM on port 3000
As connection with WebUI is OK I have the same thing as you do. So lets try sensuctl configure:
> sensuctl configure
? Authentication method: username/password
? Sensu Backend API URL: http://localhost:8080
? Namespace: default
? Preferred output format: tabular
? Username: admin
? Password: *********
> sensuctl namespace list
No issue at all.
Would it be possible to look at your backend.yml? In my test I used the one from the doc without modifying anything