Anyone using pager teams with the new sensu-go pagerduty plugin?

I don’t see it from an initial search of the repo so thought I’d ask if anyone was using this functionality in the new plugin? We have 10-15 pager teams in our EOL sensu and I’d like to keep them rather than refactoring a new handler for each of them.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @shreddy,

As best I can tell with the plugin, the teams functionality is that plugin’s way of accomplishing contact routing, a feature that was present in Sensu Classic Enterprise. You can do contact routing with Sensu Go and the Sensu Go Pagerduty handler, it just looks a bit different. This contact routing guide for Sensu Go should give you a better idea of how to accomplish this.

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Thank you @aaronsachs for the links. I’ll move forward with this approach.