On my Nagios installation, I have a SMS notify service defined as below:
define command {
command_name notify-service-by-sms
command_line /usr/bin/ruby /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/send_sms.rb "HOSTNAME, Service SERVICEDESC" "CONTACTPAGER"
The send_sms.rb basically does a curl to the SMS provider’s endpoint:
Whats the best way to move this as a handler in Sensu? Do I write a new handler plugin
or is there any existing handler I can piggy back on to make a curl call?
I did come across the sensu-handler-sms plugin but it seems to be related
to a email to SMS gateway providers which is not my use case.
Thank you for your time.
Hmm. I guess there is no generic “http” handler.
You could either make one or modify the send_sms.rb script to conform to be more like a traditional sensu handler.
Here is an example of a handler that “just makes an http request” to start from:
On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Shanker Balan mail@shankerbalan.net wrote:
On my Nagios installation, I have a SMS notify service defined as below:
define command {
command_name notify-service-by-sms
command_line /usr/bin/ruby /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/send_sms.rb "$HOSTNAME$, Service $SERVICEDESC$" "$CONTACTPAGER$"
The send_sms.rb basically does a curl to the SMS provider’s endpoint:
Whats the best way to move this as a handler in Sensu? Do I write a new handler plugin
or is there any existing handler I can piggy back on to make a curl call?
I did come across the sensu-handler-sms plugin but it seems to be related
to a email to SMS gateway providers which is not my use case.
Thank you for your time.