I am trying to setup the IRC handler from the community plugins but I just cat seem to get messages to make it to my IRC channel. The only real clue I have is the following log line taken from the server logs.
cat /var/log/sensu/sensu-server.log | grep irc
{“timestamp”:“2015-01-21T11:51:45.360463-0500”,“level”:“info”,“message”:“handler output”,“handler”:{“type”:“pipe”,“command”:"/etc/sensu/handlers/irc.rb",“name”:“irc”},“output”:“only handling every 30 occurrences: hostname/check_procs\n”}
Things I know for sure.
- Carrier pigeon is installed
- I am able to join the channel using devops as the the channel password
/connect hostname
/join #devops devops
- irc.rb from the sensu-community-plugins is at the latest.
- My configurations for the handler look like the following.
- I am testing this out with 1 check which is setup to use the irc handler
➜ conf.d cat /etc/sensu/conf.d/irc.json
“irc”: {
“irc_server”: “irc://sensubot:devops@hostname:6667/#devops”,
“irc_ssl”: false
//“nickserv_password”: “bananas”,
// “nickserv_command”: “PRIVMSG NickServ@some.special.hostname :IDENTIFY password”
➜ handlers cat /etc/sensu/conf.d/handler_irc.json
“handlers”: {
“irc”: {
“type”: “pipe”,
“command”: “/etc/sensu/handlers/irc.rb”
Any help would be most appreciated.
Can you the "only handling every 30 occurrences" is the standard
filter which is preventing the handler from running:
Can you find other sections of the log that might have more clues? Try
grepping for "handler output", like that line, but on an occurrence
that wasn't hit by the repeat filter.
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Brent Nikolaus <bnikolaus@gmail.com> wrote:
I am trying to setup the IRC handler from the community plugins but I just
cat seem to get messages to make it to my IRC channel. The only real clue I
have is the following log line taken from the server logs.
cat /var/log/sensu/sensu-server.log | grep irc
handling every 30 occurrences: hostname/check_procs\n"}
Things I know for sure.
- Carrier pigeon is installed
- I am able to join the channel using devops as the the channel password
/connect hostname
/join #devops devops
- irc.rb from the sensu-community-plugins is at the latest.
- My configurations for the handler look like the following.
- I am testing this out with 1 check which is setup to use the irc handler
➜ conf.d cat /etc/sensu/conf.d/irc.json
"irc": {
"irc_server": "irc://sensubot:devops@hostname:6667/#devops",
"irc_ssl": false
//"nickserv_password": "bananas",
// "nickserv_command": "PRIVMSG NickServ@some.special.hostname :IDENTIFY
➜ handlers cat /etc/sensu/conf.d/handler_irc.json
"handlers": {
"irc": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/etc/sensu/handlers/irc.rb"
Any help would be most appreciated.