How to monitor services running on sensu backend server?

Hi All,

I have configured sensu backend on a server which already hosted some other services. And I wanted to add checks on those services as well. For this I updated backend server’s entity and added subscription (this just for an example ):

[admin@localhost]$ sensuctl entity list --all-namespaces
        ID          Class     OS             Subscriptions                     Last Seen            
───────────────── ───────── ─────── ─────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────
  n0               agent     linux   entity:n0                       2024-12-20 15:58:30 +0000 UTC  
  n1               agent     linux   entity:n1                       2024-12-20 15:13:00 +0000 UTC  
  head.local.lab   backend   linux   backend,entity:head.local.lab   N/A                            
[admin@localhost]$ cat check1.yml 
api_version: core/v2
type: CheckConfig
  name: check-disk-backend
  namespace: sensu-system
  command: echo "check triggered" >> /tmp/file.txt; exit 1
  interval: 5
  publish: true
    - backend

The check did get created but never getting executed. I also monitored journal logs and found no activity w.r.t to this check.

Is there anything wrong in my configuration or sensu does not support monitoring services on backend? I just need to run a script periodically to monitor the status of services and generate events. Please guide if I can achieve this by any means.

It seems you did not install an agent on the backend.

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