As some of you might already be aware, we’ve been working on a new idea to make it possible to share curated Sensu resource configurations and to help bootstrap new Sensu users into effective monitoring workloads more quickly. By making use of Sensu Go features such as assets and secrets management, it’s finally possible to share monitoring workflow configurations widely and safely.
We’ve started the process, created several curated workflows, and we think it’s ready to share, but we need your help to take it further. This is a great opportunity to share operational knowledge with the rest of the Sensu community. If there is a handler or check you have operational experience with, we’d like to invite you to get involved in the configuration curation! If your interested take a look at:
Okay that was the tease, here’s the longer rundown.
We’ve split the configuration curation into two separate repositories. One for checks that run on a Sensu agent, and a separate repository for pipelines that run on a Sensu backend. These repositories are designed to work together, but we felt it made logical sense to split the functionality at the backend/agent boundary.
Take a look at the nginx metrics check from the collection to get a sense of what a curated configuration looks like:
The curated check configurations not only include the check resource but also the versioned asset resources as well. All you need to do is install the single yaml file to have an unpublished check staged into your Sensu namespace that is ready to interact with handler sets defined from the curated monitoring-pipelines. Our hope is these curated checks will get people up and running with common monitoring tasks that can then be easily optimized once installed.
Speaking of, the curated monitoring pipelines on the other hand run on the Sensu backend, and are meant to make it easier for new users to integrate with the service integrations they need to interact with. These curated pipeline configurations make use of Sensu secrets management, so that sensitive information isn’t encoded into the publicly shared resources. Take a look at the curated pagerduty pipeline for example:
This curation defines a handler and an asset, but also defines a Sensu secret resource, to instruct the Sensu backend to pull the pagerduty token from the backend environment. This makes it safe to share the configuration without fear of leaking sensitive information,
Please take a look at these configuration repositories and see if there’s an operational workflow in your environment that you could help curate. We’ve stubbed in the directory structure to help give a sense of the coverage that is possible based on the Sensu plugins that exist, but we could really use operator expertise to fill in the gaps. If you’re interested in helping, take a look at the Readme in the repos, we’ve tried to document what we think makes for a great curated configuration.
We are also planning to hold a workshop session around curations during the upcoming virtual summit, May 19-21. We’d love to work together on this with people who want to contribute to this effort during that workshop. Please register for the our virtual summit and join the live conversation.