Please fill out this template for all topics in this category. Make sure to read the docs before asking your question. Remember that this those helping you are volunteers. Be kind and follow this template :-).
What have you already tried? Please include links to gists and/or code blocks (if relatively small)
I have installed sensu-splunk plugin from the github : GitHub - sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-splunk: Sensu Splunk Plugins using sensuctl-install command and the installation is successful now would like to know how to configure so that the events can be sent to splunk monitoring tool from sensu -
Tell us about your setup, this should include OS, version of Sensu, version of Sensu components (redis, rabbitmq), plugin versions (if applicable), anything special about your setup such as an airgapped network or strict ACLs
I have installed Sensu on Redhat 7; Sensu version - sensuctl version 5.14 , server version : 5.14 -
Is there a Github issue related to your issue?
Is there anything else that can help us effectively help you? - Having a clear installation and setup document around sensu-splunk-plugin will help the work easy just like what we have for influxdb or prometheous in Bonsai