Sensu Community Plugins update, Travis-CI and Rubocop

Hello Sensuers,

We’re now up to 72 contributors to the sensu-community-plugins repo, check them out at Hitting 75 contributors is just around the corner, and hopefully up over 100 by the end of the year.

Along with so many contributors comes a number of different stylistic preferences. I have my opinions, but more than any one stye I value having some consistency in the growing codebase of community-contributed plugins, extensions and handlers. To help along these lines, we’ve set up Travis-CI to run rubocop against the ruby plugins in the repository. We’ll also want to keep non-Ruby files in mind, but that’s a minority for now. There are basic instructions on how to run rubocop in the README, and feel free to edit the rubocop configuration, as long as we can keep the build green.

Let me know if you have any suggestions, all pull requests welcome

Keep those plugins and handlers coming
