Welcome to the February Sensu docs digest! We had two releases this month, Sensu Go 6.6.5 and 6.6.6 . These patch releases include several changes to help reduce cluster load, fixes for the PostgreSQL event store that improve retry logic when the event store is unavailable, and enhancements for event and entity search result listings in the web UI. These patches also fix bugs in round robin scheduling and recording metrics after errors. Upgrade to Sensu Go 6.6.6 for the latest and greatest!
New and updated content in February
- Send data to Sumo Logic with Sensu docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/observability-pipeline/observe-process/send-data-sumo-logic/
- Active Directory (AD) troubleshooting docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/operations/control-access/ad-auth/#ad-troubleshooting
- OpenID Connect 1.0 protocol (OIDC) troubleshooting docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/operations/control-access/oidc-auth/#oidc-troubleshooting
- Get a subset of [resources] with response filtering (example added for every API endpoint that supports response filtering, such as docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/api/core/checks/#get-a-subset-of-checks-with-response-filtering)
- Augment event data with check hooks docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/observability-pipeline/observe-schedule/augment-event-data-with-hooks/
- Set environment variables with sensuctl docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/sensuctl/environment-variables/
Most popular docs in February
- Install Sensu Install Sensu - Sensu Docs
- Checks reference docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/observability-pipeline/observe-schedule/checks/
- Agent reference docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/observability-pipeline/observe-schedule/agent/
February releases
- Sensu Go 6.6.6 | docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/release-notes/#666-release-notes
- Sensu Go 6.6.5 | docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/release-notes/#665-release-notes
If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions, please leave a comment on Discourse, post in the community Slack, or open a docs issue!