Hello Alexander, Siddharth, and others!
While I don’t like Siddharth’s wording, I have to admit that I also found the plugin docs more than lacking.
By now I’ve arrived at the point where I always check the ruby files and see which parameters are available
instead of hoping any of the authors of any plugin felt it necessary to write anything useful into the readme at
I agree that this is the current reality and a real problem that needs to be addressed.
Did we lose all the docs with the switch from one central repository to individual repositories or were lots of
plugins previously accepted without any form of documentation?
You’re spot on here.
Almost every project under the Sensu Plugins GitHub organization originated from
the now-deprecated monolithic repository of plugins at GitHub - sensu/sensu-community-plugins: Sensu community plugins for checks, handlers, & mutators..
Documentation available there was generally limited to code comments, at best. Such comments
are not always updated to reflect subsequent code changes.
I’m happy to contribute here and there to help fill the gaps.
IMHO the metrics need documentation the most since I have recently started collecting diverse metrics
by using metrics scripts from multiple plugins but there simply are values for which I don’t even understand
what they are supposed to measure. I don’t think that having potential users hunt for a simplistic description
what they are measuring is a good experience.
Pull requests are always welcome and documentation PRs doubly so! We also need to do a better job of making it
possible for the sensu-plugins.io website to accept outside contributions, e.g. improving the installation
documentation Siddharth has mentioned.
I have only recently become involved with the Sensu Plugins project, and I know there’s room for
At the risk of leaving someone out I want to publicly thank the team of Sensu Plugins community
volunteers, namely Mathias Bogaert, Eric Heydrick, Matty Jones, Tim Smith, and, Shane Starcher,
who continue to advance the state of the Sensu ecosystem through this project. Those of us on
Team Sensu working full-time to develop and support both Sensu Core and Sensu Enterprise
are very thankful for your contributions.
What’s working in our favor here is the automated pipeline established by the Sensu Plugins team,
making it easier to release updated plugin gems. Even with automation in place the combined scope
of the various plugin projects is vast, but we remain committed to incremental improvement and
welcome your suggestions.
On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 5:54:38 AM UTC-6, Alexander Skiba wrote:
Cameron // Team Sensu