sensu-plugins update - All repos now have release tags

It has been a long month since the split but I am happy to say all sensu-plugins repos now have github releases for those that want to pin. Though many of the repos are still in an alpha state, this does not mean they are unstable. The alpha state simply denotes that breaking changes may still occur although that is most likely not going to happen very often. Semantic versioning is in effect though so please pin away.

Refactoring Galore

Several of the repo’s including raid-checks, disk-checks, aws, and process-checks are under heavy revision. The checks are being rewritten to use pure ruby methods and gems instead of arch specific methods such as df. While this may make sense for many people, the trade-off is platform dependence and in the long run we want to make all the plugins as platform independent as possible.

To that effect the Windows repo may also be receiving a lot of love shortly as well.

If you are using the new repos and notice the builds are failing or in error, please don’t worry. This is most likely due to rubocop complaining about lack of documentation or a dependency is puking.

Gem Releases

The timeline for gem releases depends largely on the community. All repos have a base gemspec and can be built. You may need to add or tweak the dependencies though. If you do build a gem and confirm that it works please submit a PR and we can merge it in, sign it, and push the gem to Rubygems for everyone to use. The current thinking is that the majority of gems will be built by the middle of April and Github releases will be updated. The gem release and Github release will always be in sync, so v0.0.4 gem will be identical to 0.0.4 github tag.

The timeline for the freezing of the community-plugin repo is still a moving target but it will happen at some point this summer possibly the end June. It all depends on adoption rate and progress of the new repos, but at some point the repo will be frozen to all feature/bug/security fixes. It will not be removed, just archived in place for the spiders.

Feature Requests, Issues, Bugs

I expect that by the end of April all feature requests and any additional functionality will need to be pulled against the new repos. Security and bug fix PR’s will continue to be accepted for some time. This is done to both stabilize the community-plugins repo and to spur the continued development and adoption of the new repos. The feature freeze will be done on a rolling schedule, as the new repo goes stable, denoted by the removal of the alpha tag or prerelease flag, the corresponding plugins in the community repo will be frozen. Maintaining separate codebases is not easy nor is it wise.

Issues that are pending or open on the community repo will remain there and as the affected plugins are frozen a corresponding issue will be opened in the new repo with a link back to the original.


Matt Jones @DevopsMatt

Infrastructure Engineer - Yieldbot Inc.

Core Contributor - Sensu Plugins