I’m new in sensu, and I want to create my own playground. So I installed sensu go 5.1 (backend, agent and cli) on Ubuntu 18.04. Also I install uchiwa 1.5.0-1. All from official repository. I use a simpliest config. After run sensu, I could open Dashboard and see agent.
Also I could successfully connect to sensu api by SOAP UI based on token which generated by using cli tool. But when I try to run uchiwa, I get an a lot of errors, which said that 403 Not Authorized.
I am not sure if it’s a bug, or I missed something in documentation, or Uchiwa is obsolete because Dashboard exist…
Below I put my uchiwa config.
"sensu": [
"name": "Site",
"host": "",
"port": 8080,
"path": "/api/core/v2/namespaces/default",
"user": "admin",
"pass": "P@ssw0rd!",
"timeout": 10
"uchiwa": {
"host": "",
"port": 3001,
"refresh": 10
If someone could clarify why I couldn’t connect to sensu it’d be great.
Thanks and have a nice day