I am running Sensu (Version: sensu:amd64/sensu 0.25.7-1) on a Debian VM (Debian 4.5.3).
I installed Uchiwa (uchiwa:amd64/sensu 0.17.1-1).
The dashboard shows an alert:
Datacenter my-vm returned: Connection error. Is the Sensu API running?
I set the Sensu log level to debug in /etc/default/sensu:
In the Uchiwa log (/var/log/uchiwa.log) I see the following message:
{“timestamp”:“2016-09-05T14:11:26.656214894+03:00”,“level”:“info”,“message”:“Updating the datacenter my-vm”}
{“timestamp”:“2016-09-05T14:11:26.657634518+03:00”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“GET http://my-vm.example.com:4567/stashes returned: 500 Internal Server Error”}
{“timestamp”:“2016-09-05T14:11:26.65765716+03:00”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Connection failed to the datacenter my-vm”}
The configuration:
“sensu”: [
“name”: “my-vm”,
“host”: “my-vm.example.com”,
“port”: 4567,
“timeout”: 10
“uchiwa”: {
“host”: “”,
“port”: 3000,
“refresh”: 10
“api”: {
“host”: “my-vm.example.com”,
“bind”: “my-vm.example.com”,
“port”: 4567
I tried to use tcpdump, but it showed no activity on port 4567.
netstat shows that the API is listening on port 4567.
Any ideas why this might be?