I’m new to Sensu and trying to get the sandbox workshop up and running.
The first problem I came across was that mattermost wasn’t being provisioned correctly, this turned out to be because my container gets called workshop-mattermost-1 rather than workshop_mattermost_1 - I changed that line in scripts/seed-workshop-resources which seems to solve that problem.
Next problem is that I don’t have the learn.sensu.io entity defined. The only reference to that seems to be in config/sensu/seeds/example-event.json - that file doesn’t appear to get used though.
If I run docker compose in the foreground I constantly get:
workshop-sensu-assets-1 | - - [17/Nov/2022:11:27:16 +0000] “HEAD / HTTP/1.1” 200 0 “-” “Docker health check (curl)”
workshop-app-1 | [BufferedStatsdClient] 2022/11/17 11:27:22 write udp> write: connection refused
workshop-app-1 | [BufferedStatsdClient] 2022/11/17 11:27:22 Error flushing stats write udp> write: connection refused
messages - I’m not sure if that is relevant or a different problem.
I’m using Docker 20.10.21 on Ubuntu 20.04 - It would be good to know if it just works for other people or if there’s something unsupported about my setup.
Any thoughts appreciated!