Docs changes: Plugins docs moved, plus a new Supported Integrations sub-category

We are excited to tell you about two important changes in the Sensu documentation!

First, we moved our plugins docs from a separate docset to the Plugins category within the Sensu Go docs. We also removed and revised the plugins content as needed to reflect how plugins work with Sensu Go and moved a few Sensu Go docs like the assets reference into the new Plugins category.

Second, the Plugins category now includes a Supported Integrations sub-category, which includes in-depth information to help you use our most popular plugins to get work done with Sensu as part of your existing workflows.

I wonder why don’t you list Graphite integration under Time-series and long-term event storage ?

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@anatolijd, good idea! We will add the Graphite integration as you suggested. Thank you!