How to create a sensu check

I recently did a lightning talk showing how to create a Sensu check. Tonight I decided to hammer out a blog post about the same subject.

Hope it proves helpful to someone out there :slight_smile:

Doesn’t cover metrics check only because I need to go to sleep. I’ll probably add this when I have a minute in the next few days.



Hi all,

To close the loop, I’ve now posted a follow-up article about metrics checks.




On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 11:58:51 PM UTC-5, Mathieu Martin wrote:

I recently did a lightning talk showing how to create a Sensu check. Tonight I decided to hammer out a blog post about the same subject.

Hope it proves helpful to someone out there :slight_smile:

Doesn’t cover metrics check only because I need to go to sleep. I’ll probably add this when I have a minute in the next few days.

