node '' {
class { 'sensu':
rabbitmq_password => 'secret',
server => true,
plugins => [
I get the following error :
Error: /Stage[main]/Sensu/Sensu::Plugin[puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb]/File[/etc/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb]:
Could not evaluate:
Error 400 on SERVER:
Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata/data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb with {:links=>"manage"}
Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb:
I do not understand what is "puppet:///data".
Where does these plugins files comes from ?
Do I have to create a another puppet module which takes care of downloading and copying plugins files into /etc/sensu/plugins ?
Do I need to take care of the install of sensu-plugin as well ?
Thanks in advance for any replies
More recent versions of puppet have locked down the file server configuration. If you like you can check the fileserver.conf (in /etc/puppet on RHEL based machines) to see how this works, and to enable custom file paths if you want.
The simpler route though, would be to add the files you want to serve to an existing module, or create your own module and put the files in there. For example:
<module_path>/my_file_module/files/myfile.rb can then be specified in your puppet manifests as puppet:///modules/my_file_modulemyfile.rb
node '[]( ' { class { 'sensu': rabbitmq_password => 'secret', server => true, plugins => [ 'puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ ntp.rb', 'puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ postfix.rb' ] }
I get the following error :
Error: /Stage[main]/Sensu/Sensu::Plugin[puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb]/File[/etc/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb]:
Could not evaluate:
Error 400 on SERVER:
Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata/data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb with {:links=>"manage"}
Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///data/sensu/plugins/ntp.rb:
I do not understand what is "puppet:///data".
Where does these plugins files comes from ?
Do I have to create a another puppet module which takes care of downloading and copying plugins files into /etc/sensu/plugins ?
Do I need to take care of the install of sensu-plugin as well ?
Thanks in advance for any replies