Migration Webinar Follow Up Question: Sensu Go enablement in aws plugin

Here is a question we didn’t get to in the webinar concerning Sensu Go enablement for the sensu-plugins-aws ruby plugin

To be more specific, handler-ses.rb right now does not utilise the new sensu go frame work as it needs to be enabled and then defined like we did for the for core. Is this something that will be updated soon? I am talking about asset here - sensu-plugins-aws versions

The lastest release of sensu-plugins-aws (18.x.0) depends on sensu-plugin 4.0, which includes the event mapping mix in logic that you can use for Sensu Go enablement.

handler-ses.rb --help
Usage: /usr/local/bin/handler-ses.rb (options)
    --map-go-event-into-ruby     Enable Sensu Go to Sensu Ruby event mapping. Alternatively set envvar SENSU_MAP_GO_EVENT_INTO_RUBY=1.

you can use the either set the envvar or use the cmdline argument to processto engage the event mapping feature.

I feel like it’s also worth mentioning that if you’re not using the latest version of the plugin, it’s should be possible to use an SES SMTP endpoint (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-smtp.html) and use the email handler (https://bonsai.sensu.io/assets/sensu/sensu-email-handler) to send to the SES SMTP endpoints.