Hey guys,
I have a large amount of switches that I want to monitor, beginning with a simple ping.
I originally set up conf.d/checks-sa-switches.json and in here added the proxy checks:
“check”: {
“name”: “ping-coresw01”,
“source”: “coresw01”,
“command”: “ping.rb -h”,
“interval”: 60,
“subscribers”: [ “switches” ]
However, this is defining a single check for every proxy client and begins to clutter up my checks section in Uchiwa.
I was wondering, is there any way to actually define the proxy clients as… clients?
For example, I could keep my conf.d/checks-sa-switches.json but alter it to be generic:
“check”: {
“name”: “ping-::name::”,
“source”: “::name::”,
“command”: “ping.rb -h ::address::”,
“interval”: 60,
“subscribers”: [ “switches” ]
and then conf.d/proxyclients-switches.json:
“client”: {
“name”: “coresw01”,
“address”: “”,
“keepalive” false,
“subscriptions”: [ “switches” ]
(Rinse and repeate for each switch we want to check)
I realise that’s not valid json, but you get the gist.
Stop me if this is a stupid idea, but reading the documentation it looked like this could be possible, and if not - should it be?