Send metrics to datadog

Hi everyone,

I am new to Sensu and has setup Odoo enterprise trial on an Ubuntu EC2 instance. Using this built-in datadog integration in the enterprise

I could send events to datadog, however, I couldn’t send metrics from these plugins

The handler and check for the enterprise built-in is something like this

“datadog”: {
“api_key”: “123”,
“app_key”: “456”,
“tags”: [“sensu”],
“severities”: [“critical”, “warning”,“error”, “fatal”, “unknown”],
“timeout”: 20


“checks”: {
“free-mem”: {
“type”: “metric”,
“command”: “check-memory.rb -w 2500 -c 3000”,
“subscribers”: [
“handlers”: [“datadog”],
“interval”: 60


I also tried with the community plugin and only use the metric handler with the same check above

“handlers”: {
“datadog_metrics”: {
“type”: “pipe”,
“command”: “datadog-metrics.rb”,
“severities”: [“critical”, “warning”,“ok”,“unknown”]
“datadog”: {
“api_key”: “123”,
“app_key”: “456”,
“tags”: [“sensu-metrics”],
“timeout”: 20


but I got the message “handler does not handle event severity” both before and after I added this line to the handler

“severities”: [“critical”, “warning”,“ok”,“unknown”]

Any idea what I am missing?
