Action required: Upcoming Changes to Sensu 1.x Package Repository Configuration


If your process for deploying Sensu 1.x depends on the official package repositories, you need to make changes before January 6, 2020.


In a post to the Sensu blog, I’ve shared our detailed plans for realizing the end of the Sensu 1.x project. This end-of-life (EOL) process includes moving the existing package repositories, currently hosted at to a new DNS name, effective January 6, 2020. At this time, systems referencing the existing repository hostname will encounter errors until they are updated to the new hostname.

We are taking this step in order to ensure that Sensu users are aware that the original Sensu project has ended and will no longer receive security updates nor bug fixes. The existing repositories are available at a new DNS name , from now until the end of life for Sensu Enterprise customers on March 31, 2020

The purpose of this post is to share details which will help Sensu users understand how to reconfigure their systems to use these EOL repositories with minimum difficulty.

These instructions apply primarily to systems where Apt or Yum package tooling is used to automatically retrieve packages, or where configuration management software like Chef, Puppet or Ansible is used to install Sensu.


The official Sensu cookbook for Chef provides a number of attributes used to specify URLs for package repositories, and keys which are used to verify packages from the repositories.

Below you’ll suggested values for attributes used by the cookbook which you should use in your own roles or recipes in order to ensure continued access to Sensu 1.x packages until April 2020.

# RHEL/Centos
default["sensu"]["yum_repo_url"] = ""
default["sensu"]["yum_key_url"] = ""

# Debian/Ubuntu
default["sensu"]["apt_repo_url"] = ""
default["sensu"]["apt_key_url"] = ""

# Windows
default["sensu"]["msi_repo_url"] = ""


The official Puppet module for Sensu 1.x provides a number of parameters used to specify URLs for package repositories, and keys which are used to verify packages from the repositories.

Below you’ll suggested values for those parameters which you should use in your own manifests in order to ensure continued access to Sensu 1.x packages until April 2020.

# RHEL/Centos
sensuclassic::repo_source       => '',
sensuclassic::repo_key_source   => ''
# Debian/Ubuntu
sensuclassic::repo_source           => '',
sensuclassic::repo_key_source   => ''
# Windows
sensuclassic::windows_repo_prefix => ''


The official Ansible role for Sensu 1.x provides a number of variables used to specify URLs for package repositories, and keys which are used to verify packages from the repositories.

Below you’ll suggested values for those variables which you should use in your own Ansible configurations in order to ensure continued access to Sensu 1.x packages until April 2020.

sensu_yum_repo_url: "$releasever/$basearch/"

sensu_yum_key_url: ""

sensu_apt_repo_url: "deb {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main"

sensu_apt_key_url: ""

sensu_freebsd_url: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}:{{ ansible_architecture }}/"

Next steps

As you test and deploy these changes to your systems, please share your experience with us in this thread. I will update this post with additional tips and considerations in the hopes that nobody is left behind in the move to Sensu Go.

If you haven’t yet familiarized yourself with Sensu Go, this is a great time to do so. Please find below a list of resources to help you learn more about Sensu Go and the Sensu 1.x to Go upgrade process.

Should you run into any questions or concerns, you’re already in the right place. We encourage you to use the Migrating to Go section of this Discourse forum to share your experience – we’re here to help!

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