Please fill out this template for all topics in this category. Make sure to read the docs before asking your question. Remember that this those helping you are volunteers. Be kind and follow this template :-).
1. What have you already tried? Please include links to gists and/or code blocks (if relatively small)
- “https ://sensu . io/blog/announcing-the-sensu-archives”
- “https ://discourse.sensu . io/t/action-required-upcoming-changes-to-sensu-1-x-package-repository-configuration/1433”
- “https ://docs.sensu . io/sensu-core/latest/installation/upgrading/#sensu-core”
- Tried
‘’‘apt-get --only-upgrade install sensu’’’
‘’‘echo ‘deb http ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt sensu main’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu.list’’’
Err:1 https ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt xenial/main amd64 sensu amd64 1.9.0-1
Could not resolve host:
E: Failed to fetch https ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt/pool/xenial/main/s/sensu/sensu_1.9.0-1_amd64.deb Could not resolve host: repositories.sensuapp . org -
E: The repository ‘http ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt sensu Release’ does not have a Release file.
Err:1 https ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt xenial/main amd64 sensu amd64 1.9.0-1
Could not resolve host: repositories.sensuapp . org
E: Failed to fetch https ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt/pool/xenial/main/s/sensu/sensu_1.9.0-1_amd64.deb Could not resolve host: repositories.sensuapp . org
2. Tell us about your setup, this should include OS, version of Sensu, version of Sensu components (redis, rabbitmq), plugin versions (if applicable), anything special about your setup such as an airgapped network or strict ACLs
- 1.4.2-1 500
500 https ://repositories.sensuapp . org/apt xenial/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status - /var/lib/apt/lists | grep sensu
packagecloud . io_sensu_stable_ubuntu_dists_xenial_InRelease
packagecloud . io_sensu_stable_ubuntu_dists_xenial_main_binary-amd64_Packages
repositories.sensuapp . org_apt_dists_xenial_main_binary-amd64_Packages
repositories.sensuapp . org_apt_dists_xenial_Release
repositories.sensuapp . org_apt_dists_xenial_Release.gpg
3. Is there a Github issue related to your issue?
- Yes? Most likely deprecation of Core means repos no longer valid…
4. Is there anything else that can help us effectively help you?
- Long story short, I am fixing our Sensu server that someone installed moons ago. No one has been monitoring it for well over a year, which means no upgrades. So…I want to migrate it to Sensu-Go with the translation tool but documentation says our Sensu Core needs to be upgraded to version 1.9.0-1 first before I start the migration. Documentation from [cwjohnston](https ://discourse.sensu . io/u/cwjohnston) in November 2019 says the repos are no longer reachable.
Is there a solution I am missing or am I going to have to completely start over?