John Dyer
- Sent from mobile. Please excuse brevity or typographical errors *
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 4:27 AM, sensu-users@googlegroups.com sensu-users@googlegroups.com wrote:
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Ruby 1.9.3 EOL - 1 Update
Matt Jones <mattjones@yieldbot.com>: Jan 15 11:36PM -0500 Ruby 1.9.3 will be end-of-life on February 23, what are thoughts on
continuing to test/build against it.
I have no problems with keeping it going as a lot of people will still be
using it but on the other hand, it is trivial to use the embedded Ruby
which is 2X. I will leave it up to the community to decide but my vote is
to leave testing and building against it for at least another year, if
nothing more it will at least ensure backwards compatibility for anything
new that drops.
I do recommend and will amend the readme that if your system is not running
at least Ruby 2.0.0, you use the embedded Ruby to ensure the highest
possible reliability.
Any one else want to chime in?
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