Sensuctl configure error

Running Sensu-Backend in podman container. Attempting to run the sensuctl configure -n however I get thrown an error. “Error: unable to authenticate with error: could not unmarshal response from server: invalid character ‘<’ looking for beginning of value”

I am brand new to sensu and just trying to monitor disk usage on several remote servers. the backend is running, and initialized as I can login to the webUI and can add entities which the agent is running on.

Hey there, can you walk us through how you configured sensuctl? Also, what’s your Podman configuration look like for Sensu?

I have a VM hosting the backend container and an agent container. I also have sensuctl-go-cli installed from binaries on the same VM (running rhel 7.9). I spin up the backend which the web UI and HTTP API both work as expected and report healthy.

However when I run sensuctl configure (on the VM not in the container, although this happens in the container as well), it errors with: " unable to authenticate with error: could not unmarshal response from server: invalid character ‘<’ looking for beginning of value"

Im wondering if this a go interpreter issue on the VM im running. What are the dependencies for sensuctl-go-cli? I installed via yum to manage the deps but I cant find anything on this issue.

solved. That error is very misleading, in my case it was a result of the API not existing by its IP or even domain name since all http requests on this machine execute via proxy. Once I fed it through with its FQDN it worked.