Hi guys
I'm facing a strage behaviour with some check, I just wanted to separate under directories, prod , test and qa and have under those
directories checks for individual environments, so to have one place to store all test checks, another for prod and other for qa, so under conf.d
I created prod / test and qa directories
No I created a check for a test servers for it's root partition and under suscribers I configures server-test, and something like check-disk-usage.rb -w 30% -c 20% -I / , so far so good, restarted sensu-server and I can see the client being check, the client has a server-test subscription.
No I did the same but under the prod directory, so I used the same check, just changed the subscribers to server-prod and the client subscription to server-prod,
and userd something different like this check-disk-usage.rb -w 40% -c 50% -I / cuz disk space is different..
No on uchiwa I can see, that the test server is good but server-prod is in a warning state ( which is not ) and what's caught my attentions is that , in uchiwa I see the check , in the check details I can see that subscribers is for server-test and server-prod !!
So, what's wrong? why if the checks and clients are configured to different subscribers and subscriptors for the prod server is using the test server check which uses different values?