Updates to the Sensu Core and Enterprise EOL schedule in response to COVID-19

Back in November of last year, we shared our plans and timeline for ending the Sensu Core project. Of course, it goes without saying that these plans didn’t account for the effects of the viral pandemic now impacting so many of us in unexpected ways.

To our customers and community members: we hear you. This pandemic is impacting IT operations around the world and we don’t want to add to the burden you’re carrying now.

In response, we’re announcing a change to our plans: We are delaying our plans to decommission and disable the repositories for Sensu Core and Sensu Enterprise until June 30, 2020. Please note that this change ensures only the continued availability of Sensu packages and does not change the “end of life” status or timeline for Sensu Core or Sensu Enterprise — no new development nor security fixes will be offered for either product.

We hope that this change will help to reduce the stress on systems operators at this critical time. We also hope that you’ll allow us to help you get your existing Sensu Core and Sensu Enterprise deployments upgraded to Sensu Go before June 30. If you are interested in getting some assistance with your upgrade to Sensu Go –or if you just want to help us improve the upgrade process for all Sensu users – please fill out this survey.

Practical benefits of the Sensu Open Source Community

Open source software isn’t about giving things away for free – it’s about solving common challenges through sharing, and in doing so, it becomes about community. Sensu is no exception to this rule. The Sensu open source project has thrived as a result of tremendous community contributions over the years, and it will continue to do so thanks to our continued commitment to sharing solutions around a common set of challenges related to multi-cloud infrastructure and application monitoring at scale.

If you are one of the over-500 companies that have already upgraded to Sensu Go, please consider joining the Sensu Community Forum or the Sensu Community Slack and sharing your experiences around upgrading to Sensu Go. What worked well? Where are there still papercuts? What do you still need help with? Sensu Inc will pay close attention to your feedback & input to improve the product, as always. More importantly, your fellow Sensu community members will thank you for your insights, and they will very likely return the favor in ways that will help you improve your business. Isn’t that exactly the sort of thing we all need at this difficult time?

Thank you for being a part of our wonderful community. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns (either by commenting on this post or reaching out to us in Slack).

Stay well, friends! #monitoringlove

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